General Studies – Part – I – WBPSC Miscellaneous Main Question Paper

General Studies - Part - I - WBPSC Miscellaneous Main Question Paper

Separate Answer Books to be used for Group A and Group B


Answers may be written in English or in Bengali or in Nepali but all the answers must be in one and the same language


Miscellaneous Main Question – 2019

Answer Question No.1 and any two from the rest.


  1. Write a note on the ‘One Belt One Road’ (OBOR) policy and explain its significance with respect to India. 20
  2. What are the salient features of the Ayushman Bharat scheme? Mention your own observations about the problems of health care in India. 15
  3. Give a brief account of how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected economic conditions worldwide with special reference to the Indian economy. 15
  4. Write a note on the United Nations Climate Change Conference of 2019 held in Spain with special emphasis upon then implications of its considerations and results upon the world climate. 15
  5. What is MSP? Give a detailed account of its significance in Indian agriculture. 15




Miscellaneous Main Question – 2018

Answer Question No.1 and any two from the rest.


  1. State the genesis of the recent Rohingya problem in Myanmar with reference to the role of United Nations and its broader socio-political significance in the context of rehabilitation of the refugees.    20
  1. Write a note on the recently concluded 25th Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London stating the implications of the major considerations of the meeting. 15
  1. Comment on the recent debates over the amendments of the Prevention of Atrocities (POA) Act, mentioning its importance in curbing the maltreatment on the backward classes of the population. 15
  1. Write the salient features of the National Digital Telecommunications Policy announced in 2018 with your own observation on the problems of digital networking in rural India. 15
  1. What is H1B Visa? Give your observations on the new H1B Visa rules of Trump government. 15




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2010

Answer Question No.1 and any two from the rest.


  1. State your views on the ‘Civil Nuclear Liability Bill’ that has been recently passed by the Indian Parliament.                20
  2. Do you think that the withdrawal of AFSPA from the state of Jammu and Kashmir will solve the Kashmir problem? Justify. 15
  3. “We’ve arranged a civilisation in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology” — comment on this light your ideas on cell phones as a boon or bane in today’s society.    15
  4. State your views on the historic milestone for the women in Kuwait as the first women Parliamentarians get elected. 15
  5. Do you think that the focus of health care is increasingly getting skewed towards the “haves” of our society? Justify. 15




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2009

Answer Question No.1 and any two from the rest.


  1. The recent Parliamentary Election in India came up with starting results. Comment. 20
  2. Analyse the implications of the terrorist carnage in Mumbai, dubbed 26/11. What were the plausible motives behind that action?. 15
  3. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s comments in Egypt of India’s role in Baluchistan created an uproar in India. So did his acceptance of delinking terrorism from the composite dialogue with Pakistan. Give your assessment. 15
  4. What is US President Barrack Obama’s ‘Af-Pak’ policy? Elucidate. 15
  5. Prepare a briefing on the Indo-US nuclear deal and the controversy surrounding it. 15




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2007

Answer Question No.1 and any two from the rest.


  1. State your views on the ‘Women’s Reservation Bill’ that has been tabled in the Indian Parliament recently. 20
  2. Comment on the ‘climate change’ debate and discuss ways of addressing the challenge. 15
  3. Point out distinctive features of Pakistan’s national elections of 2008. 15
  4. Comment on the recent debate concerning participation of children in television reality shows. 15
  5. Examine the problem of ‘terrorism’ as a major challenge of the contemporary world. 15




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2006

Answer Question No.1 and any two from the rest.


  1. Comment on the recently concluded Indo-US Nuclear Deal with Special reference to the 123 Agreement. 20
  2. Discuss the 195 day space Odyssey of Sunita Williams and her safe return. 15
  3. Outline the Major highlights of the “Report to the People 2004-2007”, released by the UPA (United Progressive Alliance) Government, to mark the completion of three years of UPA Government in May, 2007. 15
  4. Describe India’s missile Development Programme. 15
  5. Write a note on the ‘New Wonders’ of the world. 15




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2005

Answer Question No.1 and any two from the rest.


  1. Explain the necessity of ‘Globalisation with human face’. 20
  2. State your views about ‘Right To Die’. 15
  3. Should there be Quotas for Other Backward Classes in Higher Education in India? 15
  4. Write a note on the end of Monarchy in Nepal. 15
  5. Describe India’s performance in world Sports in the recent years. 15




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2004

Answer Question No.1 and any two from the rest.


  1. “U.S.-India relations are going through a period of dynamic positive change.” Discuss the statement with reference to the recent visit of our Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to the United States in July 2005. 20
  2. Describe how a Tsunami is generated. Which part of India was affected by the Tsunami of December 26, 2004? 15
  3. Is it correct to say that the Governor of Indian State often functions less as a “bird in a golden cage” and more as a “sepoy of the centre”? 15
  4. Write a note on the controversy surrounding the banning of “images of smoking in films” by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 15
  5. The world became unipolar with the collapse of the Soviet Union but how long this is going to last? 15



Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2003

Answer Question No.1 and any two from the rest.


  1. What are the major arguments for decentralization? Discuss, in this context, preconditions for effective decentralization. 20
  2. Describe how global climate change threatens developing countries. 15
  3. Write a note on the reform of the UN Security Council. 15
  4. What are the major features of democratic governance. 15
  5. (i) What is the total strength of Lok Sabha? 5

(ii) How many members are nominated by the President of the Lok Sabha?  5

(iii) What are the qualifications for becoming members of the Lok Sabha?  5




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2002

Answer Question No.1 and any two from the rest.


  1. Write an essay on the election of the President of India keeping in mind the following points: 20

(a) Eligibility

(b) Election procedure and weight of each vote and his

(c) Removal

  1. Comment on the magnitude and impact of the earthquake that hit Gujarat in January 2001. What mechanism does the Government of India have to manage disaster in the country? 15
  2. What is ‘disinvestment of public sector assets’? What are the arguments for disinvestment? What modality should be adopted to go about disinvestment? 15
  3. Write a note on the political problems of Sri Lanka. What attempts are being made to solve these? 15
  4. Give an idea about the problems Iraq has with the USA and the UNO. 15



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