Translate – বাংলায় অনুবাদ – Bengali – WBPSC Miscellaneous Main Question Paper

Translate - বাংলায় অনুবাদ - Bengali - WBPSC Miscellaneous Main Question Paper

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Miscellaneous Main Question – 2019

২। বাংলায় অনুবাদ করুন:    20+20=40

(a) Many in the world earn money, but not all know how to use it properly. Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das made a good use of his immense earnings with his own hands. He thought that the people, in general, had a share in the money, he earned. He loved secret charity. If anybody praised him for this, he felt rather shamed and very sorry too. He was the help of the helpless and friend of the distressed, and considered himself fortunate if he could give anything to anyone.


(b) When Rahamat had come to Calcutta from Afghanistan, he had brought with him the impression of his little daughter Rabeya’s palm on a piece of paper. He always carried it with him. While hawking dried fruit delicacies little baby Mini had once given him a five rupee note. This note he preserved with his daughter’s piece of paper. He carried them both to the jail. There he could often get those treasures from the jailor and have a look at them. He could not forget his daughter Rabeya or little Mini, either.




Miscellaneous Main Question – 2018

২। বাংলায় অনুবাদ করুন:    20+20=40

(a) The train stopped at the station. A youth got off and shouted for a coolie. He had a bag with him. As it was a small station, no coolie could be found. The youth was in a fix. Just at that moment a certain person came up to him and said’ Do you need a coolie to carry this bag? Please give it to me.’ The youth handed the bag over to him. The man was plain sort of clothes. Taking the bag he walked along with the youth.


(b) Boys and girls, and even grown-ups, are often taught in a peculiar way. They learn the names of kings and others and dates of battle and the like. But surely history does not consist of battle and a few persons who became kings and generals. History should tell us of the people of a country how they lived, what they did and what they thought. It should tell us of their joys and sorrows; of their difficulties and how they overcome them. And if we study history in this way we can learn a lot from it.




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2010

২। বাংলায় অনুবাদ করুন:    20+20=40

(a) Three persons were killed and thirteen others injured when a Sealdah-bound Ranaghat local hit a stationary electric engine at Naihati, 34 km from Sealdah on the Eastern Railway’s Sealdah-Ranaghat, Section at 11-26 p.m. yesterday. The accident occurred when the train was approaching Naihati Station. Two assistant station-masters of Naihati Station were suspended following the accident. One of the dead bodies was identified to be the motorman of the local train and the other two were still unidentified. The Eastern Railway authorities announced an ex-gratia payment of Rs.1,00,000 for the dead persons.


(b) We cannot all be politicians or lead millions of people. We cannot all be heroes and fight for the freedom of the oppressed. But we can, each one of us, make life happier for those around us. We can all look after our neighbour when he is sick, teach the ignorant, comfort the unfortunate and keep around us fresh, clean and tidy. We can all be kind, patient and loving. We can all be truthful, humble and obedient. These are the greatest things in life; because without them the world will never be happier.




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2009

২। বাংলায় অনুবাদ করুন:    20+20=40

(ক) The most pressing problem of India today, which requires immediate solution, is the problem of poverty. Millions of people of India are half-fed and ill-clad. The tillers of the soil live in the appalling conditions, they cannot reap the fruit of their labour. The people working in mills and factories live in gruelling poverty. They live huddled together in unclean huts, eat inedible food and die soon. Others who are little higher in rank are much poorer than ordinary people in other countries. Progress of India means improvement of the conditions of these people who form the vast majority of Indians. So long this is not done, we shall remain where we are and Independence will have no meaning for us.


(খ) The art of printing has conferred untold benefits of the human race. It has enlarged the boundaries of knowledge and led to the discovery of many of the most important laws of nature. Almost every adult now learns to read and write and education has become so general that even children now know facts which were hidden from the wisest of our ancestors. Printing was originally invented by the Chinese. But they made no progress in the art so that China derived less benefit from the discovery then Europe, where it was made much later. Before the invention of is art writing was very laborious and so books were rare. But the art of printing has made enormous progress, so that what one took weeks to print can now be produced in a few hours.




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2007

২। বাংলায় অনুবাদ করুন :      ২০ + ২০

(ক) India looked like a vast cremation ground after the battle of Kurukshetra. There were wails of lamentation in every house. Some lost their sons, some their fathers and some their husbands, and these men would not find time enough for a word of farewell or of consolation before their death. A dark mantle of grief fell upon the mansions that once reserved with shouts of joy. In these dark days the only comfort the Indians had was that they had Sri Krishna. He was like the spring of joy, his glory was sung everywhere. He went and a wave of joy passed through the place. But in course of time Sri Krishna put an end to His earthly existence. Unable to bear separation from Him, the five Pandava brothers also made their last journey. The light of India was out.


(খ) The world is like a looking glass; if you smile, it smiles, if you frown, it frowns back. Always try then to look at the bright side of things. There are some persons whose smile, whose very presence seems like a ray of sunshine and brightens the whole room. Greet everybody with a bright smile, kind words and pleasant welcome. While enjoying the blessing of life, we cannot expect to have no sorrows or anxieties. Life is indeed a tragedy at times, and comedy very often, but as a rule it is what we choose to make it.




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2006

২ । বাংলায় অনুবাদ করুন:    20+20=40

(ক) The labour market shows two clear gender characteristics. First women rarely take over men’s job by undercutting them. Men, too, despite high unemployment, do not usually undercut women. The terms of competition in this labour market are somewhat differently determined. The gender composition of a a work force is primarily subject to male decision-making. Male workers exert control over women’s labour through familial relationships (wife/daughter) and quire flexibility of jobs that are lucrative and where such flexibility is desired. Employers cannot use women workers to undercut overly demanding male labour by direct replacement. Also men resist ‘women’s jobs’. However if the terms of the jobs improver, men do lay claim to women’s job.


(খ) Tagore reached Buenos Aires on the evening of Thursday, 6th November, 1924. It was reported that he was suffering from acute influenza and no visitors were allowed in his room in Hotel Plaza. I was dying to see my idol and I headed for Hotel Plaza accompanied by my friend Adelia. A tall Englishman with blue eyes received us in the hall on the ground floor of the hotel. He told us that the doctors who had examined Tagore found his heart rate weak and came to the conclusion he was not in a condition to stand the journey across the Andes to Lima. They advised him complete rest. Even today I do not know what prompted me to suggest to Elmhirst that I would be happy to place a country home at the disposal of the poet where he could rest and recuperate.




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2005

২ । বাংলায় অনুবাদ করুন:    ২০ + ২০ = ৪০

(ক) He was quite a big man, but fat, with grey moustache. He was growing bald and his forehead was imposing. His red face, shining with sweat, was unlined and round, so that at the first glance he looked almost boyish. He had a long yellow tooth in the middle of his mouth, which hung loosely, giving you the impression that with a sharp pull it will come out. He wore Khaki shorts and a tennis shirt open at the neck. He walked with a pronounced limp.


(খ) I found also, that the island I was in barren, and, as I saw good reason to believe, uninhabited, except wild beasts, of which, however I saw none; yet I saw abundance fowls, but knew not their kinds, neither when I killed them, could I tell what was fir for food and what not. At my coming back, I shot at a great bird, which I saw sitting upon a tree on the side of a great wood. I believe it was first gun that had been fired there since the creation of the world.




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2004

২। বাংলায় অনুবাদ করুন:    ২০ +২০ =৪০

(ক) Man has won his dominant position on this planet by his command of technology. Other animals have to take nature as they find her; they must fit into the environment that she provides as best they can. Man alone changes the shape of his world. He moves things about, he alters them in a constant effort to create an environment more hospitable than that which nature has thrust him into. Technology is the sum total of all the different techniques by which man change his environment.


(খ) I was the middle child of three, but three was a gap of five years on either side, and I barely saw my father before I was eight. For this disagreeable mannerisms which made me unpopular throughout my schooldays. I had the lonely child’s habit of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginary persons, and I think from the very start my literary ambitions were mixed up with the feeling of being isolated and undervalued.



Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2003

২। বাংলায় অনুবাদ করুন:    ২০ + ২০ = ৪০

(ক) Social service means service for social welfare and in a back ward country like India, students must have a lot of work to do in this field. To remove mass illiteracy they can start night schools in certain selected areas. They can arrange week-end lectures and poster exhibitions in slum areas to tell people about the laws of public health. Ignorance of such laws often causes the spread of epidemics in rural areas. They can run village libraries, help people stricken flood famine and earthquake


(খ) True friendship is founded in deep love and understanding of each other’s character and nothing gives us much pleasure as to have sincere friends to talk with. They are not like sweet tongued people who gather round us in the days of prosperity and disappear at the time of adversity. True friends are always ready to share our joys and sorrows, and life without such friends has no charm. At some critical moments we need somebody’s counsel and help, which only sincere friends can give. True friends are really rare in this world.




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2002

২। বাংলায় অনুবাদ করুন:    20+20=40

(ক) The University is not the instrument for transferring a certain maximum quantity of knowledge to the growing generation. Knowledge is dead; the University, however, serves the living. It should develop in the young individuals those qualities and capabilities which are of value to the welfare of the nation. Also that does not mean that individuality should be destroyed and the individual becomes a mere tool of the community, like a bee or an ant.


(খ) Gandhi was not born great. He was a blundering boy, a mediocre student, a poor lawyer, an ordinary individual until he remade himself. He was a self-made man. He had faith in the peasants, peddlers, miners, labourers and young unformed men and women whom he drew into his work. He fed them all an elixir of growth which often transformed nameless, uneducated people into leonine heroes. The elixir was fearlessness.






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