Fill in the blanks – English – WBPSC Miscellaneous Main Question Paper

Fill in the blanks – English – WBPSC Miscellaneous Main Question Paper

Fill in the blanks - English - WBPSC Miscellaneous Main Question Paper

Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2019

4. Fill in the blanks in each sentence with the correct alternative from options within brackets: 2×5=10

(a) Girl Power is a nineties way of ______ it. (say, said, saying)

(b) English can best ______ the needs of India as one of its bhashas. (serving, serve, served)

(c) The narrative often ______ the form of ‘witness’. (taking, takes, taken)

(d) In your poems, this question never _____. (arise, arises, aroused)

(e) A few of these _______ into English, but much more needs to be done. (had translated, have been translated, has translating)




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2018

4. Fill in the blanks in each sentence with the correct alternative from options within brackets: 2×5=10

(a) The small kids keep _____ their pencils often. (lost, losing, lose)

(b) Somebody _____ the bottle. (breaks, has broken, breaking)

(c) The Finance Minister _____ a new tax policy. (has announced is announcing, announces)

(d) He has _____ returned from London. (already, just, until now)

(e) May I remind you that the computer is still under ______. (grant, grants, guarantee)




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2009

4. Fill in the blanks with correct alternatives, within the brackets : 5

(i) This work is ______ his capacity (beyond, before)

(ii) Newly acquired freedom is sometimes liable ______ abuse (for, to)

(iii) Ashoka, although tolerant ______ competing creeds, was personally an ardent  Buddhist (with, of)

(iv) I am already acquainted ______ the latest development (of, with)

(v) If he ______ of your marriage, he will be surprised (hears, will hear, heard)





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