Miscellaneous – English – WBCS Preliminary Question Paper

Miscellaneous English WBCS Preliminary Question Paper

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2023

2. Pick out the word that is not similar to the others.

(A) Pond

(B) Water body

(C) Lake

(D) Stream


4. Choose the correct option to frame a question from the following sentence, using the appropriate punctuation—

I asked him why he wasn’t in class.

(A) I asked him—”Why you not in class?”

(B) I asked him, “Why you are not in class?”

(C) I asked him: “Why you are not in class?”

(D) I asked him, “Why are you not in class?”


7. Read the following sentences and then select the correct option.

(i) One should not interfere in the personal affairs of others.

(ii) The personal in that company are dissatisfied with their salaries.

(A) Only Sentence (i) is correct.

(B) Only Sentence (ii) is correct.

(C) Sentences (i) and (ii) are both correct.

(D) Sentences (i) and (ii) are both incorrect.


10. Identify the mood in the following sentence—

I would surely go there if I could.

(A) Indicative mood

(B) Interrogative mood

(C) Subjunctive mood

(D) Imperative mood


16. Correctly change the following sentence to the active voice, using the appropriate punctuation—

My daughter expressed her preference for History over English.

(A) My daughter says ‘I prefer History over English.’

(B) My daughter said, “I prefer History over English.”

(C) My daughter tells — ‘I prefer History over English.’

(D) My daughter told, “I prefer History over English.”


22. Which of the following is an auxiliary verb?

(A) Look

(B) Can

(C) Take

(D) Do


25. Choose the option that correctly changes the following sentence into indirect speech—

He said, “I will go there tomorrow.”

(A) He said that I will go there tomorrow.

(B) He told that he shall go there tomorrow.

(C) He said that he will go there after today.

(D) He said that he would go there the next day.




WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2022

  1. Find the correctly spelled word.

(practice, try-out, read-through)

(A) Reharsal

(B) Rehersal

(C) Rehearsal

(D) Rehearsel


  1. What parts of speech is the word ‘Adjective’?

(A) Pronoun

(B) Noun

(C) Adjective

(D) Adverb


  1. What type of sentence is ‘Do or Die’?

(A) Simple

(B) Complex

(C) Exclamatory

(D) Compound


  1. Which one is the plural number?

(a group of former male student)

(A) Index

(B) Alumni

(C) Hypothesis

(D) Analysis


  1. “I have done my duty.”

      Which tense is this?

(A) Present Indefinite

(B) Present Perfect

(C) Past Perfect

(D) Past Indefinite


  1. It has been established that

(P) Einstein was

(Q) although a great scientist

(R) weak in arithmetic

(S) right from his school days

     To form a correct and meaningful sentence, the proper sequence should be:

(A) (Q) (P) (R) (S)

(B) (P) (R) (S) (Q)

(C) (P) (S) (Q) (R)

(D) (Q) (P) (S) (R)


  1. What is the most appropriate passive form of “Who has done the work?” ?

(A) Who has been done the work?

(B) By whom has been done the work?

(C) Whom has done the work by?

(D) By whom has the work been done?




WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2021

5. Convert the given sentence into an interrogative sentence:

    I will meet you tomorrow.

(A) Where will you meet me ?

(B) How will you meet me ?

(C) Will you meet me ?

(D) When will you meet me ?


8. Add a suitable prefix to form the opposite of the word


(A) Uncapable      

(B) Noncapable     

(C) Ill-capable      

(D) Incapable


18. Select the correct spelling:

(housing, living quarters)

(A) Accommodition       

(B) Accommodation       

(C) Accomodation     

(D) Acommodation


19. Which is the correct sentence ?

(A) An one-eyed person was seen roaming about the streets.

(B) A one-eyed person was seen roaming about the streets.

(C) The one eyed person was seen roaming about the streets.

(D) One-eyed person was seen roaming about the streets.


23. The past tense of ‘rewind’ is

(A) rewinded      

(B) rewounded       

(C) rewound     

(D) none of the above




WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2020

2. Which complex form is correct for the following sentence?
‘Everyone is happy during Christmas celebration.’
(A) When Christmas celebrations occur everyone is happy.
(B) During Christmas celebration everyone is happy.
(C) Everyone during Christmas celebration is happy.
(D) Happy is everyone when Christmas celebration occurred.
14. Choose the correct indirect statement.
He said, “grass is green.”
(A) He told that grass is green.
(B) He told that grass was green.
(C) He told that grass had been green.
(D) He told that grass will always be green.
15. Correct passive form of the following sentence
‘Orange tastes sour’
(A) Orange is tasted sour.
(B) Orange is sour after tasting.
(C) Orange is sour when tasted.
(D) Orange is tasted as sour.
21. Convert the given sentence into an interrogative sentence and see below for the correct option :
“Honesty is the best policy”
(A) Is honesty the best policy ?
(B) Is not honesty the best policy ?
(C) Is honesty not the best policy ?
(D) Why is honesty the best policy ?



WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2019

5.  Correct the following sentence.
     We had gone to the movies last night.
(A) We had had gone to the movies last night.
(B) We went to the movies last night.
(C) We should have gone to the movies last night.
(D) We have gone to the movies last night.
10. Which is the correct form of the given sentence
They discussed about the matter.
(A) They had discussed about the matter.
(B) They should have discussed about the matter.
(C) They discussed the matter.
(D) The given sentence is correct.
11. Change the voice of the verb.
‘The script is being written.’
(A) The script will have to be written.
(B) Write the script.
(C) They are writing the script.
(D) They have been writing the script.
16: Convert the given sentence into an interrogative sentence:
I will meet you at the train station.
(A) When will you meet me ?
(B) How will you meet me ?
(C) Where will you meet me ?
(D) Can’t you meet me ?
17. Convert this to a simple sentence.
She wanted to go on vacation, so she saved money.
(A) As she wanted to go on vacation she saved money.
(B) She saved money for vacation.
(C) She wanted to go on vacation and saved her money.
(D) Although she saved her money, she wanted to go on vacation.
18. Convert the given sentence into a simple sentence:
Pancakes are delicious but not without syrup.
(A) Pancakes are delicious when served with syrup.
(B) Pancakes are delicious only with syrup.
(C) If served with syrup, pancakes are delicious.
(D) None of the above

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2018

14. Marble may be used with
(a) Painting
(b) Music
(c) Rocks
(d) Sculpture
17. ‘Regret’ may be expressed by the following interjection:
(a) Alas!
(b) Hush!
(c) Bravo!
(d) Hurrah!

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2017

1. Sorrow may be expressed by the following interjection:
(a) Hurrah!
(b) Bravo!
(c) Oh!
(d) Alas!

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2016

56. ‘Surprise’ may be expressed by the following interjection:
(a) Hush!
(b) Alas!
(c) Ha!
(d) Bravo!


WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2015

54. ‘Approval’ may be expressed by the following Interjection:
(a) Ha!
(b) Hush!
(c) Bravo!
(d) Hurrah !
55. A stoic person can :
(who can endure pain)
(a) Entice
(b) Endure  (undergo, go through)
(c) Excite
(d) Enable

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2014

53. The word ‘Pride’ is also used to describe a group of
(a) Tigers
(b) Elephants
(c) Lions
(d) Hyenas

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2012

46. ‘Thespian art’ refers to
(a) The art of tragedy
(b) The art of history
(c) The art of story telling
(d) Tribal art

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2010

1. Detect where the adjective “public” is used in a derogatory sense :
(a) Public house
(b) Public Woman
(c) Public servant
(d) Public speech
42. A duck is a bird, but to duck is
(a) To feel shy
(b) To refuse
(c) To abandon
(d) To avoid
43. Baptism by fire means—
(a) A fire-fighting act
(b) A bad beginning in the first job
(c) A difficult introduction to an experience
(d) A religious experience


WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2008

33. To be very busy is to be as busy a
(a) Squirrel
(b) Bee
(c) Duck
(d) Mouse
34. Someone having a weak memory is said to have a mind/memory like a
(a) Sieve   (strainer, filter)
(b) Soap
(c) Screw
(d) Stream
35. A homophone for the word whole will be
(a) Hole
(b) Roll
(c) Wholesome
(d) Whale
36. A soporific speech would tend to
(a) Put one sleep
(c) Appeal primarily to emotions
(b) Stimulate action
(d) Be incomprehensible
37. The idiosyncrasies of a professor must not include
(a) Eccentricities    (unconventionality, unorthodoxy)
(b) Flaws
(c) Oddities
(d) Topicalities

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2005

32. To refuse is to deny but used as a noun the word can mean
(a) Garbage
(b) Dust
(c) Prohibition
(d) Fuel

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2004

Choose the appropriate meaning of the underlined section in the given sentences
31. The boy has mendacious habits.
(untruthful, dishonest, false)
(a) Stealing habits
(b) Lying tendencies
(c) Prone to begging
(d) Over-critical habits

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2003

Choose the meaning of the underlined part of the sentences :
26. It is obvious that he greatly hates his new colleague in office.
(a) Dislikes
(b) Abhors    (detest, hate)
(c) Admires
(d) Adores
27. The musk rose attracted a large number of bees.
(crowd, horde, mob)
(a) Swarm 
(b) Flock
(c) Pack
(d) Group
28. They began the clean-up campaign discarding these.
(throw away, throw out)
(a) Throwing them off
(b) Throwing them over
(c) Throwing them out
(d) Throwing them up


WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2002

Choose the correct term
17. “Concrete” is a substance used to erect buildings but “concrete” can also mean
(a) Solid face
(b) Reason
(c) Argument
(d) Essay
18. A “transparent” object allows us clear vision but “a transparent person” is one who is
(a) Scrupulously honest
(b) Smiling
(c) Pleasing
(d) Clever

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2000

7. “Gravity” can mean the pull of the earth and also
(a) Fear
(b) Thickness
(c) Seriousness
(d) Fame
8. “Industry” can production in factories and also
(a) Invention
(b) Commerce
(c) Ingenuity
(d) Hard work
Item closest in meaning to the given phrase.
12. Deliberate disruption of work
(a) Sabotage (destroy, obstruct)
(b) Devastation
(c) Terrorism
(d) Violence
13. Goods prohibited by law
(a) Smuggling
(b) Contraband (smuggling, illegal traffic)
(c) Narcotics
(d) Excise
14. In deep thought
(a) Ponderous
(b) Pensive  (thoughtful, thinking)
(c) Philosophical
(d) Perturbed


WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 1999

Choose the meaning of the underlined part of the sentences :
1. Mr. Advani announced that he would soon release a white paper on the activities of the I.S.I
(a) A government announcement
(b) A party notice
(c) A party report party notice
(d) A government report
2. After years of service as managing director Mr. X prefers to take a back seat now.
(a) To retire
(b) To control covertly
(c) To play an unimportant role or a less important role than before
(d) To be completely immobilized
3. The trade union leader, after much deliberation, ordered a work to rule for their workers.
(a) Going back to work
(b) An abstaining from work
(c) Strict following of the rules laid down for the job and thus slowing down the pace of the work
(d) Taking up the full work load
4. Things had come to such a head that immediate action was necessary.
(a) Reached a deadlock
(b) Reached a crisis
(c) Reached a happy ending
(d) Reached a tragic ending
Choose from among the four alternatives given below the following sentence the most appropriate meaning of the word.
6. It is not for a political person to go much against the wind.
(a) Air
(b) Surroundings
(c) A spiral
(d) Breeze

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