Phrases & Idioms – English – WBPSC Miscellaneous Main Question Paper

Phrases & Idioms – English – WBPSC Miscellaneous Main

Phrases & Idioms - English - WBPSC Miscellaneous Main Question Paper

Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2019

  1. Make complete and meaningful sentences with any five of the following phrases/idiomatic expressions: 2×5=10

(a) Sat on the fence

(b) Once in a blue moon

(c) Come rain or shine

(d) Take it with a pinch of salt

(e) Hit the hay

(f) Hang on

(g) Get rid of

(h) Fall apart




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2018

  1. Make complete and meaningful sentences with any five of the following phrases/idiomatic expressions: 2×5=10

(a) Take after

(b) Picture perfect

(c) Apple of my eye

(d) To face the music

(e) Look back

(f) Raining cats and dogs

(g) Grow out of

(h) Blackout




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2010

  1. Write, both synonym and antonym of any five of the following phrases: 10

(i) cock and bull story

(ii) kith and kin

(iii) at the eleventh hour

(iv) A.B.C.

(v) apple of discord

(vi) die in harness

(vii) bad blood

(viii) in a nutshell




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2009

(c) Make meaningful sentences with the following :       2×5=10

(i) prevail on

(ii) broke into

(iii) backup

(iv) brought to light

(v) to throw cold water on





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