Preposition – English – WBCS Preliminary Question Paper

Preposition English WBCS Preliminary Question Paper

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2023

18. Fill in the blanks with the correct set of words.

She was not interested ____ taking ____ French, but decided ____ opt ____ German instead.

(A) in; up; to; for

(B) to; on; in; with

(C) on; to; for; on

(D) for; to; in; to



WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2022

  1. Fill in the blank with the appropriate option:

He works ________ an insurance company.

(A) for

(B) at

(C) in

(D) with


  1. Fill in the blank with the appropriate option:

    She has no control ______ her temper.

(A) on

(B) with

(C) over

(D) after


  1. Fill in the blank with the appropriate option:

      He spends hours _______ the phone everyday.

(A) at

(B) on

(C) with

(D) in


  1. Fill in the blank with the appropriate option:

      What are you worrying _______ ?

(A) to

(B) with

(C) for

(D) about


  1. Insert the right preposition in the blank space:

      He died ____ dengue.

(A) with

(B) from

(C) of

(D) by




WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2021

13. Fill in the blank with the right option:

      He was offended ______ me unjustly.

(A) at     

(B) for      

(C) with      

(D) towards


15. Fill in with a suitable preposition:

      He is taller than you _____ two inches.

(A) with     

(B) of     

(C) in     

(D) by 


21. Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition:

      He presided ______ the meeting.

(A) over      

(B) at      

(C) in     

(D) for




WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2020

1. Use the right preposition.
He deals ____ cosmetic goods.
(A) of
(B) with
(C) in
(D) on
10. What is the time _____ your watch?
(A) by
(B) in
(C) with
(D) on
20. Fill in the blank with right option.
He cannot cope _____ this pressure.
(manage, survive, carry on)
(A) up
(B) With
(C) In
(D) for
23. Use the appropriate preposition in the sentence :
We sat _____ the shade of the tree.
(A) under
(B) below
(C) in
(D) through




WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2019

14. Ram made the most —— his resources. 
(A) at      
(B) of      
(C) from      
(D) with
25. He preferred classical music ______ popular numbers. 
(A) from       
(B) of       
(C) over       
(D) to

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2018

15) He has a preference ______ tea ______ coffee
(a) over, for
(b) for, to
(c) for, over
(d) to, over
16) It is 9’o clock ______ my watch
(a) by
(b) in
(c) at
(d) into
21) She was running short ______ time.
(a) at
(b) of
(c) with
(d) for

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2017

36. He was waiting ____ the train.
(a) in
(b) at
(c) for
37. He saved her _____ certain death.
(a) from
(b) with
(c) of
(d) in

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2016

34. I prevailed _____ him to join our group.
(a) on
(b) upon
(c) beside
(d) along with
35. The crew were ______ the ship for a month.
(a) on board
(b) aboard
(c) on
(d) off



WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2015

32. He hinted _____ some loss treasure.
(a) of
(b) for
(c) with
(d) at
33. Here is the watch _____ you asked ____.
(a) which, for
(b) that, for
(c) for, from
(d) this, for

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2014

30. He is ____ the phone right now.
(a) at
(b) in
(c) On
(d) to
31. He held his breath ____ several minutes.
(a) on
(b) of
(c) for

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2013

1. I was alarmed ____ the news of my brother’s illness.
(a) in
(b) at
(c) to
(d) away

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2012

24. I have no desire _____ fame.
(a) of
(b) for
(c) in
(d) to
25. There is an exception _____ every rule.
(a) to
(b) For
(c) In
(d) up
26. I am going to Chennai _____ Monday ____ tour
(a) On, of
(b) On, on
(c) In, with
(d) Of, on
27. He sympathized ______ him in his bereavement.
(a) In
(b) For
(c) With
(d) by
28. He succeeded by the dint ____ his hard labour.
(a) of
(b) by
(c) for
(d) because
48. She is proficient in music but weak
(a) In study
(b) At lessons
(c) With study
(d) On study


WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2009

22. A gentleman should be true _____ his words.
(a) From
(b) To
(c) In
(d) On
23. The father was vexed _____ the son.
(a) With
(b) About
(c) To
(d) In

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2007

18. The beautiful lady was compared ____ the moon by the poet.
(a) With
(b) To
(c) Of
(d) Like
19. Competitors ____ the globe took part in the game.
(a) From
(b) Over
(c) Around
20. The senior officer was angry _____ the subordinates.
(a) Upon
(b) On
(c) With
(d) Against
21. Shylock nurtured a deep-rooted hatred Antonio.
(a) For
(b) To
(c) Against
(d) About

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2005

16. The woman is standing _____ the door.
(a) By
(b) On
(c) At
(d) In
17. The train was passing _____ a dark tunnel.
(a) Through
(b) Under
(c) In
(d) By

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2004

12. Hard work is indispensable _____ success.
(a) For
(b) at
(c) To
(d) In
13. Fortune smiled ____ his efforts.
(b) at
(b) Over
(c) For
(d) on
14. You conduct is subversive _____ all discipline
(a) Of
(b) To
(c) With
(d) For
15. He is a man in whom you can confide ____.
(a) On
(b) In
(c) Upon
(d) With


WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2003

9. The writer is enamoured _____ the subject.
(a) With
(b) By
(c) For
(d) Of
10. He agreed _____ my proposal.
(a) With
(b) To
(c) At
(d) For
11. My friend is proficient ______ the art of cooking.
(a) In
(b) For
(c) At
(d) With

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2002

6. The goat subsists ____ the coarsest of foods.
(a) In
(b) On
(c) Upon
(d) Because of
7. The income derived ____ the ownership of lands commonly called rent.
(a) With
(b) For
(c) From
(d) Under
8. The celebrated grammarian Patanjali was a contemporary ____ Pushyamitra Sungo.
(a) To
(b) With
(c) Of
(d) In

WBCS Preliminary Question Paper – 2001

4. The teacher is popular _____his pupils.
(a) Among
(b) To
(c) With
(d) For
5. He dared not look me ___ the face.
(a) At
(b) In
(c) To
(d) On
en English

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