Science – Kolkata Police SI Previous Year Question Paper

Science – Kolkata Police SI Previous Year Question Paper

Science - Kolkata Police SI Previous Year Question Paper

Kolkata Police SI Question Paper – 2024

8. Nephridium is the excretory organ of

(A) Rat

(B) Earthworm

(C) Planaria

(D) Cockroach


10. Locomotion of Euglena is done by

(A) Fin

(B) Cilia

(C) Pseudopodia

(D) Flagella


17. Which enzyme converts protein into peptone?

(A) Pepsin

(B) Trypsin

(C) Erypsin

(D) Renin


21. In respect of which of the following, when converted into solid from liquid, its volume does not increase?

(A) Ice

(B) Antimony

(C) Aluminium

(D) Bismuth


24. In standard temperature and pressure which of the following is not an amorphous?

(A) Wood

(B) Chalk

(C) Coal Tar

(D) Common Salt


32. Which of the following is not an ore of Aluminium?

(A) Bauxite

(B) Feldspar

(C) Dolomite

(D) Gibbsite


37. Mirage is an example of which of the following?

(A) Reflection

(B) Total internal reflection

(C) Spectrum

(D) Refraction


46. Hertz is unit of

(A) Energy

(B) Density

(C) Wavelength

(D) Frequency


48. How many sex chromosomes are there in every human cell?

(A) 2

(B) 46

(C) 23 pair

(D) 4


52. Which of the following smells like rotten fish?

(A) Acetylene Gas

(B) Ozone

(C) Chlorine

(D) Phosphine


57. Name the acid present in the sting of an ant.

(A) Formic Acid

(B) Tartaric Acid

(C) Hydrobromic Acid

(D) Muriatic Acid


66. While lifting anything with the help of the hand, the hand performs as which class of Lever?

(A) 1st

(B) 3rd

(C) 4th

(D) 2nd


68. Which portion of human brain maintains the body balance?

(A) Thalamus

(B) Cerebellum

(C) Medulla Oblongata

(D) Mid Brain


72. In human body which hormone is secreted from α (alpha) cell of pancreas?

(A) Oestrogen

(B) Insulin

(C) Glucagon

(D) Progesterone


78. Which of the following scientists explained the structure of atom with the help of Quantum Theory?

(A) Albert Einstein

(B) Niels Bohr

(C) Oppenheimer

(D) Rutherford


81. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

(A) Mica

(B) Iron

(C) Chlorine

(D) Zinc


85. Brass is an alloy of which metals?

(A) Copper, Nickel & Zinc

(B) Nickel & Zinc

(C) Copper & Nickel

(D) Copper & Zinc


93. Which hormone is synthesized in the ripened seed of a plant?

(A) Auxin

(B) Cytokinin

(C) Auxitocin

(D) Gibberellin


96. Which of the following acid is regulated as Aqua Fortis?

(A) Sulphuric Acid

(B) Hydrochloric Acid

(C) Acetic Acid

(D) Nitric Acid


98. Which Scientist invented the law of use and disuse of organs?

(A) Lamarck

(B) Mendel

(C) Weismann

(D) Darwin




Kolkata Police SI Question Paper – 2022

  1. Which of the following is not an example of Living Fossil?

(A) Sea-urchins

(B) Limulus

(C) Sphenodon

(D) Coelacanth


  1. Which of the following is not an example of non-flowering plants?

(A) Pinus

(B) Algae

(C) Spirogyra

(D) Agaricus


  1. What is the name of the sulphur naturally found in nature?

(A) Gypsum

(B) Cinnabar

(C) Brickstone

(D) Brimstone


  1. What is the name of the outermost membrane of Axon?

(A) Synapse

(B) Axoplasm

(C) Dendrite

(D) Neurolemma


  1. Rickets disease is caused due to deficiency of :

(A) Vitamin D

(B) Vitamin B

(C) Vitamin A

(D) Vitamin C


  1. Which one of the following is an example of chemical change?

(A) Preparation of ice cubes from water

(B) Magnetization of soft iron

(C) Burning of paper

(D) Dissolution of cane sugar in water


  1. Which hormone controls the tropic movement in plants?

(A) Heteroauxin

(B) Gibberellin

(C) Cytokinin

(D) Auxin


  1. What is the unit of electromotive force of a cell?

(A) Dyne

(B) Volt

(C) Ampere

(D) Joule


  1. Which scientist among the names given below is associated with the discovery of the radioactive element ‘Radium‘?

(A) Michael Faraday

(B) Albert Einstein

(C) Issac Newton

(D) Marie Curie


  1. Who is the inventor of ‘Barometer‘?

(A) Amidio Avogadro

(B) Torricelli

(C) Priestley

(D) Alexander Graham Bell


  1. Full form of RNA is :

(A) Rare Nucleic Acid

(B) Remote Nuclear Activity

(C) Ribonucleic Acid

(D) Random Nuclear Acid



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