WBPSC Clerkship: Pattern, Posts, Age Limit, Salary, Eligibility

WBPSC Clerkship: Pattern, Posts, Age Limit, Eligibility

WBPSC Clerkship: Pattern, Posts, Age Limit, Salary, Eligibility

What is WBPSC Clerkship Exam?

  • WBPSC Clerkship Examination is a general competitive exam, which is organised by West BengalPublic Service Commission.
  • Based on the results of the recruitment candidates will be allotted the posts of Lower Division Assistant (LDA) or Lower Division Clerk (LDC) or other posts that are similar to LDA/LDC.
  • Candidates will be posted in the Secretariat, Directorates, District Offices and similar posts in Regional Offices (including Kolkata) under the rule making power of Govt. Of West Bengal.
  • The examination will be held in 3 stages:
    • Part I – Objective Type (MCQ)
    • Part II – Conventional Type (Written)
    • Part III – Computer Type Test
  • Candidates will be required to qualify the first 2 stages (Part I & Part II) of the examination after which they will be called for a Computer Type Test.
  • The final Merit list will be prepared only after the candidate has qualified all 3 stages of the examination.




Eligibility & Requirements


The qualification for direct recruitment for WBPSC Clerkship shall be as follows:

  1. Pass in Madhyamik Examination of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent.
  2. Acquisition of elementary knowledge in Computer operation with ability of typing on computer at the speed of 20 (twenty) words per minute in English or 10 (ten) words per minute in Bengali.


Other Requirements

  • The candidate must be
  1. A citizen of India (either natural or by registration), or
  2. Such other nationals as declared eligible by the Govt. of India.
  • Provided that a candidate belonging to category (b) shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government.
  • A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the examination but the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him by the Government.
  • Ability to read, write and speak in Bengali (not required for those candidates whose mother tongue is Nepali) – vide Finance Department’s Notification No.1243-F(P) dated 02.03.2016.
  • Knowledge of Bengali will be tested for candidates whose mother tongue is other than Bengali/Nepali at the time of test, judging elementary knowledge in Computer operation & ability of typing on Computer. Candidature of the candidates with average/poor performance in the said knowledge of Bengali test shall be liable to be cancelled.
WBPSC Clerkship


Age Criteria

Not below 18 years but not more than 40 years as on 01.01.2023 (i.e. born not earlier than 2nd January, 1983 and not later than 1st January, 2005).

Note : Age as recorded only in the Madhyamik or equivalent certificate will be accepted. The age limits apply to all the candidates whether in Government service or not.



Mode of Application

  • Applications can be submitted online only through the official website of West Bengal Public Service Commission https://wbpsc.gov.in/
  • Fresh Registrations should be made in order to apply for this recruitment from the official website.
  • There shall be no ‘Edit Window’ after closure of online submission of application.
  • Submission of more than one application by the same candidate is strictly forbidden and such applications are liable to cancellation.



  • Application Fee Rs.110/-  only
  • Service Charge
    • 1% of Examination Fee, minimum of Rs.5/- for online payment through debit/credit card plus service charge as applicable as Govt. Duty
    • Rs.5/- only for Net Banking
    • Service Charge of Rs.17/- for payment through Bank Counter (off-line payment)
  • SC/ST candidates of West Bengal and Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) having physical disability of 40% and above are not required to pay any fee.
  • OBC (non-creamy layer) candidates of West Bengal are, however, required to pay usual fee as aforesaid.
  • No exemption of fee is available to SC/ST/OBC candidates other States
  • No claim for refund of the fee will be entertained nor will it be held in reserve for any other examination.




Options for Posting

  • Candidates shall be required to indicate their options in order of preference for the vacancies in the
    • Secretariat Departments
    • Directorates
    • Regional Offices including District offices of one particular District or Kolkata.
  • Vacancies will be filled up from the merit list prepared by the Commission according to the merit position vis-à-vis the option exercised by the candidates.



Pay Scale of Employees

  • Level 6, Rs.22,700/- to Rs.58,500/- besides D.A., M.A. and H.R.A. admissible as per ROPA, 2019.


WBPSC Clerkship

Selection Procedure

Part-I Exam Pattern

  • MCQ type question paper
  • Number of Questions: 100
  • Total Marks: 100
    • Correct Answer: 1 mark
    • Wrong Answer: (- ¼) mark or (- 0.25) mark
  • Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
  • Paper Language: English & Bengali
  • Subjects covered are as follows:

English30 Marks (Fundamentals of the English language such as vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms and its correct usage etc.)

General Studies40 Marks (Matters of everyday observation including everyday science, current events and problems with special reference to India and elementary knowledge of Indian History and Indian Geography.)

Arithmetic 30 Marks (Divisibility, fractions, decimals, recurring decimals, simplification, HCF, LCM, Partnership, Average, Ratio and proportions, percentage, simple interest, profit & loss, time & distance, area of rectangles and squares.)


Part-II Exam Pattern

  • Conventional or Descriptive Type
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Number of Questions: 6
  • Total Time: 1 hour
  • Pattern

Group A : English (50 Marks)

  1. Drafting of a report in English from points or materials supplied
  2. Condensing of a prose passage (Summary/Precis)
  3. Translation from Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali, as the case may be, into English

Group B : Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali (50 Marks)

  1. Drafting of a report from points or materials supplied
  2. Condensing of a prose passage (summary or précis)
  3. Translation from English into Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali, as the case may be

The standard of examination shall be similar to that of Madhyamik Examination of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.

Answer in all the papers except the language paper may be written either in English or in Bengali (unless otherwise directed in these rules or in the question papers).

Note: Candidates shall write their answers to all the questions in only one and the same language in any particular paper.


Part-III Exam Pattern

The elementary knowledge in Computer operation and ability of typing on Computer of the candidates shall be judged only after they are found qualified in Part-I and Part-II.


Medical Examination

Candidates who will be selected for appointment will be required to appear before a Medical Board for certificates of their fitness for Government Service.

WBPSC Clerkship



Age Relaxation

  • The upper age limit is relaxable for S.C., S.T. and  O.B.C. (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates of West Bengal.
  • S.C. & S.T. candidates – 5 years
  • O.B.C. candidates – 3 years
  • Persons With Disability (PWD) – 45 years
  • S.C./S.T./O.B.C. of other States shall be treated as General Candidates.


Rules Regarding PWD Candidates

  • Candidates suffering from blindness, low vision or locomotor disability / cerebral palsy may be allowed the help of a scribe if required.
  • The commission, however, will not provide a scribe for such candidates.
  • Scribes will have to be arranged by the candidates themselves.
  • The scribe should possess an educational qualification not higher than the requisite qualification for the examination.


Compensatory Time

  • Candidates suffering from blindness, low vision or locomotor disability / cerebral palsy will be allowed compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour.


Particulars & Certificates Required

  • A candidate claiming to be EWS/S.C./S.T./O.B.C. (Non-Creamy Layer) or Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (40% and above) & Meritorious Sports persons must have a certificate.
  • The certificate must be issued from a competent authority of West Bengal on or before the closing date of submission of application as specified below :
  • S.C., S.T. & O.B.C.(Non – Creamy Layer) Candidates
    • In the district, the Sub-Divisional Officer of the Sub-Division concerned, and
    • In Kolkata, the District Magistrate, South 24-Parganas or such Additional District Magistrate, South 24-Parganas, as may be authorized by the District Magistrate, South 24-Parganas, in this behalf and the District Welfare Officer, Kolkata and Ex-officio Joint Director, Backward Classes Welfare.
    • [vide the W.B.S.Cs. & S.Ts. (Identification) Act, 1994 and S.C. & S.T. Welfare Deptt. Order No. 261-TW/EC/MR-103/94 dated 6.4.95 read with B.C.W. Deptt. Order No.6320-BCH/MR-84/10, dated 24.09.2010 and No.2420-BCW/MR-61/2012 (Pt.), dated 12.07.2013].
    •  OBC (Non – Creamy Layer) candidates must submit their renewed / revalidated certificates at the time of appointment as per existing Govt. Rules.
  • For Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)
    • A Medical Board constituted at Government Medical College Hospitals in Kolkata, District Hospitals and Sub-divisional Hospitals as per extant provisions laid down in RPwD Acts & Rules.
  • For Meritorious Sportspersons (MSP)
    • Competent Authorities for issuing Certificates to Meritorious Sportspersons are as follows :

Note: Area of competition other than those mentioned above shall not be considered for granting MSP status.


For Ex-Servicemen

  • The claim of a candidate for being considered as an Ex-Serviceman should be supported by a certificate from the Army/Air Force/Naval Headquarter indicating therein the date of his/her joining the Armed Forces, the period of his/her service and the date of his/her release from the Armed Forces or the date of completion of his/her service requisite for being entitled to be released or transferred to the reserve.
WBPSC Clerkship

EWS candidates (Economically Weaker Sections)

  • The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an Income and Asset Certificate issued by any of the following authorities in prescribed format
    • In the District, Additional District Magistrate in charge of development matters of the District Concerned.
    • District Welfare Officer, Kolkata and Ex-officio Joint Director, BCW&TD in respect of Kolkata for Kolkata Municipal Corporation Area. [in terms of PAR Department 325-PAR(AR)/3P-1/2019 dated09.07.2019, read with BCW Department Memo No. 959-BCW/MR-52/2019 dated 18.05.2023].
    • However, any EWS certificate issued in favour of a candidate by the erstwhile authorities as mentioned vide said P&AR Department notification will also be allowed if found valid.
    • EWS candidates must submit their renewed/revalidated certificates regarding EWS status at the time of appointment.

The Public Service Commission may require such further proof or particulars from the candidates as it may consider necessary and may make enquiries about their character and other particulars regarding suitability and eligibility.



Special Instructions

Tie Breaking Principles

  • Preference will be given to the candidate securing higher aggregate marks in English & Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali.
  • If there is still a tie, preference will be given to the candidate securing higher marks in English.
  •  If tie still remains, preference will be given to the candidate with higher age.



  • Candidates are advised to read thoroughly and cautiously the “Advertisement” & “Scheme and Syllabus”.
  • Application once submitted shall be treated as final. No request for change in application form and no claim for being a member of the EWS, SC, ST & OBC (Non creamy layer) community or a Person with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) or a Meritorious Sports Person or Ex-Servicemen will be entertained after the final submission of application.
  • The candidates must abide by the instructions as may be given by Supervisors / Invigilators of the Examination. If the candidate fails to do so or indulges in disorderly or improper conduct, he / she will render himself / herself liable to expulsion from the Examination Halland / or such other punishment as the Commission may deem fit to impose.
  • A candidate who has been reported against by the Supervisor of the Examination Centre for violating any of the instructions will be punished with cancellation of candidature and also debarment from future examinations and selections as may be decided by the Commission according to the circumstances of the case.
  • If at any stage even after issue of the letter of appointment, a candidate is found ineligible in terms of advertisement his / her candidature will be cancelled without further reference to him / her.
  • The conditions prescribed cannot be relaxed in any case other than those mentioned in this “Advertisement’’.
  • A candidate should note that his / her admission to the examination will be deemed provisional subject to determination of his / her eligibility in all respects. If at any stage after issuance of the admit card a candidate is found ineligible for admission to this examination, his / her candidature will be cancelled without further reference to him / her. No candidate shall be allowed to take the examination unless he / she holds a valid admit card.
  • The Commission shall have discretion to fix qualifying marks in Part-I and each group of Part-II and the aggregate of the examination. It shall also have discretion to relax such qualifying marks in the cases of all the reserved category candidates of West Bengal.
  • The candidates who will take Hindi, Urdu, Nepali or Santali as the case may be, in lieu of Bengali of Group B of Part-II examination shall, before confirmation, have to pass a departmental Examination in Bengali during the period of probation. The syllabi for the examination shall be the same as laid down under the Finance Department notification no. 9045-F dated the 26th July, 1983.
  • Mobile phones, Smart Watches, Bluetooth or any other communication device are not allowed inside the premises where the Examination is being conducted. Any infringement of this instruction shall entail disciplinary action including ban from the Examination related to this advertisement as well as from further Examinations.
  • There will be arrangements for frisking of the candidates at entry points of venues – separately for male and female candidates so that candidates with mobile phones or any other gadgets of communication may not enter the venue.
WBPSC Clerkship


  • Any attempt on the part of a candidate to enlist support for his / her application through persons, officials of Government, or agencies will disqualify him / her for appointment.
  •  Spontaneous recommendations from persons interested in the candidates, or otherwise known to them, will be disregarded and will render the candidates ineligible.


Deduction of Marks

  • There shall be negative marking of 0.25 mark for each wrong answer to multiple choice questions (MCQ Type) which will also be printed on the top of Question Booklet.
  • A deduction of 10% of full marks shall be made from the total marks secured by a candidate in a particular paper if he/she discloses his/her identity by writing his/her name, roll number or by putting any identifying marks in the answer script of that paper.




Display of Model Answers

After display of Model Answers (MCQ Type) in the Commission’s website, objections by the candidates need to be filed strictly within the specified time limit, beyond which no objection shall be entertained.



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