Advanced GI – Math – Paper VI – WBCS Main Question Paper


Advanced GI - Math - Paper VI - WBCS Main Question Paper


WBCS Main Question Paper – 2021

  1. Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

An algorithm rearranges a sequence of numbers following a specific rule in each step. Following is an illustration of input and the subsequent steps of rearrangement.

Input:    98 31 06 72 63 59 36 12 84

Step 1   98 31 36 72 63 59 06 12 84

Step 2   84 31 36 72 63 59 06 12 98

Step 3   84 31 36 63 72 59 06 12 98

Step 4   84 31 12 63 72 59 06 36 98

Input:    06 12 31 36 59 63 72 84 98

    Which of the following will be step 4 for this input?

(A) 98 12 84 59 36 63 31 72 06

(B) 98 12 84 59 63 36 31 72 06

(C) 98 12 84 59 36 31 63 72 06

(D) 98 12 84 59 31 36 06 72 63


  1. If v and c, respectively, denote the number of vowels and the number of consonants in ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM, then

(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) 3


  1. Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

An algorithm rearranges a sequence of numbers following a specific rule in each step. Following is an illustration of input and the subsequent steps of rearrangement.

Input:    98 31 06 72 63 59 36 12 84

Step 1   98 31 36 72 63 59 06 12 84

Step 2   84 31 36 72 63 59 06 12 98

Step 3   84 31 36 63 72 59 06 12 98

Step 4   84 31 12 63 72 59 06 36 98

Input:    59 36 12 84 98 31 06 72 63

Which of the following is the third step for this input?

(A) 63 36 06 98 84 31 12 59 72

(B) 63 36 06 98 31 84 12 59 72

(C) 63 36 06 31 98 84 12 59 72

(D) None of the above


  1. Direction: Read the information given below and answer the questions.

(i) In a family of six persons A, B, C, D, E and F, there are two married couples.

(ii) D is grandmother of A and mother of B.

(iii) C is wife of B and mother of F.

(iv) F is granddaughter of E.

Which of the following is necessarily true?

(A) A is brother of F.

(B) D has two grandsons.

(C) B has two daughter.

(D) None of the above


  1. Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. An algorithm rearranges a sequence of numbers following a specific rule in each step. Following is an illustration of input and the subsequent steps of rearrangement.

Input:  98 31 06 72 63 59 36 12 84

Step 1 98 31 36 72 63 59 06 12 84

Step 2 84 31 36 72 63 59 06 12 98

Step 3 84 31 36 63 72 59 06 12 98

Step 4 84 31 12 63 72 59 06 36 98

Input:  31 59 06 72 84 12 36 98 63

Which step will be 63 59 3,6 84 72 12 06 98 31?

(A) Step 1

(B) Step 2

(C) Step 3

(D) Step 4


  1. Direction: In each question below two problem figures are given. These are followed by four answer figures indicated by (A), (B), (C) and (D). The two problem figures have some common characteristic features. You have to find out one of the answer figure which has the same commonality. The number of that answer figure is the required answer.



  1. Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

An algorithm rearranges a sequence of numbers following a specific rule in each step. Following is an illustration of input and the subsequent steps of rearrangement.

Input:   98 31 06 72 63 59 36 12 84

Step 1  98 31 36 72 63 59 06 12 84

Step 2  84 31 36 72 63 59 06 12 98

Step 3  84 31 36 63 72 59 06 12 98

Step 4  84 31 12 63 72 59 06 36 98 

Input:   12 31 59 36 63 72 98 84 06

The sum of the numbers for the given sequence whose positions remain unaltered rough all the steps as in the input is

(A) 94

(B) 103

(C) 129

(D) 131


  1. Direction: In each question below two problem figures are given. These are followed by four answer figures indicated by (A), (B), (C) and (D). The two problem figures have some common characteristic features. You have to find out one of the answer figure which has the same commonality. The number of that answer figure is the required answer.

Problem figures



  1. Direction:

A family consists of six members, namely, A, B, C, D, E and F.

B is the sister-in-law of C’s mother.

C is the sister of F.

A is the father of D and F is the grandson of A.

There are three male members in the family.

The female members of the family are

(A) B, D, E

(B) B, D, C

(C) B, C, F

(D) B, C, E


  1. A. B. C, D and E are sitting in a row. B is between A and E. To find out who among them is in the middle, which of the following statements P and Q is/are sufficient?
  2. A is left of B and right of D.
  3. C is at the right end.

(A) Q but not P

(B) P but not Q

(C) Both P and Q

(D) Neither P nor Q


  1. Find the correct figure in which the given figure on the below is embedded.



  1. Choose the appropriate figure :



  1. Following the pattern, find the missing number:

(A) 20

(B) 22

(C) 24

(D) 28


  1. Direction: Read the information given below and answer the questions.

(i) In a family of six persons A, B, C, D, E and F, there are two married couples.

(ii) D is grandmother of A and mother of B.

(iii) C is wife of B and mother of F.

(iv) F is granddaughter of E.

Who among the following is one of the couples?

(A) CD

(B) DE

(C) EB

(D) EC

  1. Direction: In each question below two problem figures are given. These are followed by four answer figures indicated by (A), (B), (C) and (D). The two problem figures have some common characteristic features. You have to find out one of the answer figure which has the same commonality. The number of that answer figure is the required answer.



  1. Rita told Mani, “The girl I met yesterday at the beach was the youngest daughter of the brother-in-law of my friend’s mother”. How is the girl related to Rita’s friend?

(A) Cousin

(B) Daughter

(C) Niece

(D) Aunt


  1. Direction:

A family consists of six members, namely, A, B, C, D, E and F.

B is the sister-in-law of C’s mother.

C is the sister of F.

A is the father of D and F is the grandson of A.

There are three male members in the family.

Who is the mother of F?

(A) D

(B) E

(C) B

(D) Cannot be determined.


  1. Direction:

A family consists of six members, namely, A, B, C, D, E and F.

B is the sister-in-law of C’s mother.

C is the sister of F.

A is the father of D and F is the grandson of A.

There are three male members in the family.

The members of the family belong to how many generations?

(A) Two

(B) Three

(C) Four

(D) Cannot be determined.


  1. Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

An algorithm rearranges a sequence of numbers following a specific rule in each step. Following is an illustration of input and the subsequent steps of rearrangement.

Input:   98 31 06 72 63 59 36 12 84

Step 1  98 31 36 72 63 59 06 12 84

Step 2  84 31 36 72 63 59 06 12 98

Step 3  84 31 36 63 72 59 06 12 98

Step 4  84 31 12 63 72 59 06 36 98  

Input:   59 36 12 98 84 31 06 72 63

The sum of the numbers in position 3 and position 7 corresponding to step 4 is

(A) 18

(B) 42

(C) 84

(D) 108


  1. Direction:

A family consists of six members, namely, A, B, C, D, E and F.

B is the sister-in-law of C’s mother. C is the sister of F.

A is the father of D and F is the grandson of A.

There are three male members in the family. Who is the aunt of F?

(A) E

(B) D

(C) B

(D) None of the above


  1. Which of the following four logical diagrams represents correctly the relationship between Musicians, Instrumentalists, Violinists?



  1. Find the correct figure in which the given figure on the below is embedded.



  1. Direction: In each question below two problem figures are given. These are followed by four answer figures indicated by (A), (B), (C) and (D). The two problem figures have some common characteristic features. You have to find out one of the answer figure which has the same commonality. The number of that answer figure is the required answer.

Problem figures



  1. Pointing to a photograph, a lady tells Pramod, “I am the only daughter of this lady and her son is your maternal uncle.” How the speaker is related to Pramod’s father?

(A) Sister-in-law

(B) Wife

(C) Mother

(D) Sister


Video Solution



WBCS Main Question Paper – 2020

  1. Study the following table and answer the question based on it :

Number of Candidates Appeared, Qualified and Selected in a Competitive Examination from Five States Delhi, H.P. U.P, Punjab and Haryana Over the Years 1994 to 1998

In the year 1997, which state had the lowest percentage of candidates selected over the candidates appeared ?

(A) Delhi      

(B) H.P.      

(C) U.P.       

(D) Punjab


Direction : Monica, Amar, Akbar and Anthony live in the four apartments that are arranged side by side. Only one of the above four persons is the landlord whose apartment is at the one end. Amar’s apartment is neither next to Monica’s apartment nor next to Akbar’ s apartment. Monica’ s apartment is not at one end. Amar is not the landlord.

  1. Who lives just beside the landlord ?

(A) Monica     

(B) Amar     

(C) Akbar      

(D) Anthony


  1. The following pie-charts show the distribution of students of graduate and post-graduate levels in seven different institutes in a town.

Distribution of students at graduate and post-graduate levels in seven institutes :

Total number of Students of Graduate Level = 27300

Total number of Students of Post-Graduate Level = 24700

What is the total number of graduate and postgraduate level students in institute R ?

(A) 8320      

(B) 7916      

(C) 9116       

(D) 8099


  1. Study the following table and answer the question based on it :

Number of Candidates Appeared, Qualified and Selected in a Competitive Examination from Five States Delhi, H.P, U.P, Punjab and Haryana Over the Years 1994 to 1998

The percentage of candidates qualified from Punjab over those appeared from Punjab is highest in the year

(A) 1997      

(B) 1998      

(C) 1999      

(D) 2000


Direction : Monica, Amar, Akbar and Anthony live in the four apartments that are arranged side by side. Only one of the above four persons is the landlord whose apartment is at the one end. Amar’s apartment is neither next to Monica’s apartment nor next to Akbar’s apartment. Monica’s apartment is not at one end. Amar is not the landlord.

  1. Amar lives

(A) at one extreme end.

(B) between Akbar and Monica.

(C) between Akbar and Anthony.

(D) between Monica and Anthony.


  1. Consider the following three statements by Amar, Akbar and Anthony.

Amar : “Anthony is a good boy.”

Akbar : “Amar is a liar.”

Anthony : “I am not a good boy.”

   You know that at least two of them are telling the truth. Who is/are telling the truth?

(A) Only Amar     

(B) Amar and Akbar      

(C) Akbar and Anthony     

(D) All of them


Direction : Monica, Amar, Akbar and Anthony live in the four apartments that are arranged side by side. Only one of the above four persons is the landlord whose apartment is at the one end. Amar’s apartment is neither next to Monica’s apartment nor next to Akbar’s apartment. Monica’s apartment is not at one end. Amar is not the landlord.

  1. Who is the landlord ?

(A) Monica     

(B) Amar       

(C) Akbar     

(D) Anthony


Direction : Monica, Amar, Akbar and Anthony live in the four apartments that are arranged side by side. Only one of the above four persons is the landlord whose apartment is at the one end. Amar’s apartment is neither next to Monica’s apartment nor next to Akbar’s apartment. Monica’ s apartment is not at one end. Amar is not the landlord.

  1. Monica lives

(A) at one extreme end.

(B) between Akbar and Amar.

(C) between Akbar and Anthony.

(D) between Amar and Anthony.


  1. Out of the two bar graphs provided below, one shows the amount (in Lakh Rs.) invested by a Company in purchasing raw materials over the years and the other shows the values (in Lakh Rs.) of finished goods sold by the Company over the years.

Amount invested in Raw Materials (Rs in Lakhs)

Value of Sales of Finished Goods (Rs. in Lakhs)

The value of sales of finished goods in 1999 was approximately what percent of the sum of amount invested in Raw materials in the years 1997, 1998 and 1999?

(A) 33%      

(B) 37%     

(C) 45%       

(D) 49%


  1. The following pie chart gives the distribution of overseas tourist traffic from India.

What percentage of Indian tourists went to either USA or UK ?

(A) 40%       

(B) 50%      

(C) 60%      

(D) 70%


  1. Ankit is the son of Zubin. Manju is the daughter of Anil. Sheela is the mother of Manju. Mohan is the brother of Manju. How is Mohan related to Sheela ?

(A) Brother     

(B) Father       

(C) Son     

(D) Cannot be determined


  1. The following line graph gives the ratio of the amounts of imports by a company to the amount of exports from that company over the period from 1995 to 2001.

Ratio of Value of Imports to Exports by a Company Over the Years.      

       The imports were minimum proportionate to the exports of the company in the year

(A) 1995      

(B) 1996       

(C) 1997      

(D) 2000


  1. Out of the two bar graphs provided below, one shows the amount (in Lakh Rs.) invested by a Company in purchasing raw materials over the years and the other shows the values (in Lakh Rs.) of finished goods sold by the Company over the years.

Amount invested in Raw Materials (Rs in Lakhs)      

Value of Sales of Finished Goods (Rs. in Lakhs)      

       The maximum difference between the amount invested in raw materials and value of sales of finished goods was during the year

(A) 1995      

(B) 1996      

(C) 1997      

(D) 1998


  1. Study the following table and answer the question based on it :

Number of Candidates Appeared, Qualified and Selected in a Competitive Examination from Five States Delhi, H.P, U.P, Punjab and Haryana Over the years

For which state the average number of candidates selected over the years is the maximum ?

(A) Delhi      

(B) H.P.     

(C) U.P.     

(D) Punjab


  1. The following pie-charts show the distribution of students of graduate and post-graduate levels in seven different institutes in a town.

Distribution of students at graduate and post-graduate levels in seven institutes :

Total number of Students of Graduate Level = 27300         

Total number of Students of Post-Graduate Level = 24700        

What is the ratio between the number of students studying at post-graduate and graduate levels respectively from institute S ?

(A) 14 : 19      

(B) 19 : 21      

(C) 17 : 21       

(D) 19 : 14


  1. What is the number of triangles in the following figure ?

(A) 10     

(B) 9      

(C) 11     

(D) 12


  1. The following chart shows the age distribution of overseas tourists from India.

Age Distribution of Overseas Tourist Traffic from India.         

Which of the following statements is not TRUE ?

(A) Elderly people are most likely to travel overseas.

(B) Elderly people are least likely to travel overseas.

(C) Younger people are less likely to travel overseas.

(D) One fifth of the overseas tourist from India is middle aged (i.e. aged 40-49 Years)


  1. Games, cricket and football represent which of the following figures ?

(A) figure       

(B) figure      

(C) figure     

(D) figure


  1. Study the following table and answer the question :

Number of Candidates Appeared and Qualified in a Competitive Examination from Different States Over the Years.

What is the average number of candidates who appeared from State Q during the given years ?

(A) 8700      

(B) 8760      

(C) 8990     

(D) 8920


  1. Study the following table and answer the question :

Number of Candidates Appeared and Qualified in a Competitive Examination from Different States Over the Years.

Total number of candidates qualified from all the states together in 1997 is approximate what percentage of the total number of candidates qualified from all the states together in 1998 ?

(A) 72%      

(B) 77%       

(C) 80%     

(D) 83%


  1. Which number will occupy the blank space ?

(A) 6      

(B) 8     

(C) 2      

(D) 5


  1. Study the following data carefully and answer the following :

Number of Candidates who Appeared and Qualified in a Competitive Examination from Different States Over the years.

In which of the given years the number of candidates who appeared from State P have the maximum percentage of qualified candidates ?

(A) 1997      

(B) 1998      

(C) 1999       

(D) 2001


  1. The bar graph given below shows the sales of books (in thousand number) from six branches of a publishing company during two consecutive years 2000 and 2001.

Sales of Books (in thousand numbers) from Six Branches- B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6 of a publishing company in 2000 and 2001.       

Total sales of branch B6 for both the years is what percent of the total sales of branches B3 for both the years ?

(A) 68.54%     

(B) 71.11%       

(C) 73.17%      

(D) 75.55%


  1. Out of the two bar graphs provided below, one shows the amount (in Lakh Rs.) invested by a Company in purchasing raw materials over the years and the other shows the values (in Lakh Rs.) of finished goods sold by the Company over the years.

Amount invested in Raw Materials (Rs. in Lakhs)        

Value of sales of Finished Goods (Rs. in Lakhs)        

What was the difference between the average amount invested in Raw materials during the given period and the average value of sales of finished goods during this period ?

(A) Rs. 62.5 lakhs     

(B) Rs. 68.5 lakhs     

(C) Rs.71.5 lakhs     

(D) Rs. 77.5 lakhs


  1. The following line graph gives the ratio of the amounts of imports by a company to the amount of exports from that company over the period from 1995 to 2001.

Ratio of Value of Imports to Exports by a Company Over the Years.

If the imports in 1998 was Rs. 250 crores and the total exports in the years 1998 and 1999 together was Rs.500 crores, then the imports in 1999 was

(A) Rs. 250 crores      

(B) Rs. 300 crores     

(C) Rs. 357 crores       

(D) Rs. 420 crores


  1. The bar graph given below shows the sales of books (in thousand number) from six branches of a publishing company during two consecutive years 2000 and 2001.

Sales of Books (in thousand numbers) from Six Branches- B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6 of a publishing company in 2000 and 2001.       

What is the ratio of the total sales of branch B2 for both years to the total sales of branch B4 for both years ?

(A) 2 : 3     

(B) 3 : 5      

(C) 4 : 5      

(D) 7 : 9


  1. The following pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of the expenditure incurred in publishing a book. Study the pie-chart and the answer the questions based on it.

Various Expenditures (in percentage) Incurred in Publishing a Book        

If for a certain quantity of books, the publisher has to pay Rs. 30,600 as printing cost, then what will be the amount of royalty to be paid for these books ?

(A) Rs. 19,450      

(B) Rs. 21,200       

(C) Rs. 22,950     

(D) Rs.26,150


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WBCS Main Question Paper – 2019

  1. If GOLD is coded as HOME, COME is coded as DONE and CORD is coded as DOSE, how would you code SONS ?

(A) TPOT       

(B) TOOT       

(C) TOOS      



  1. If in a certain language, CHARCOAL is coded as 45164913 and MORALE is coded as 296137, how is the word ALLOCHRE coded in that language ?

(A) 13396875      

(B) 16693985       

(C) 13394567      

(D) 19943785


  1. If ‘air’ is called ‘green’, ‘green’ is called ‘blue’, ‘blue’ is called ‘sky’, ‘sky’ is called ‘yellow’, ‘yellow’ is called ‘water’ and ‘water’ is called ‘pink’, then what is the colour of clear sky ?

(A) Blue       

(B) Sky     

(C) Yellow      

(D) Pink


  1. In a certain code language, ‘si po re’ means ‘book is thick’, ‘ti na re’ means ‘bag is heavy’, ‘ka si’ means ‘interesting book’ and ‘de ti’ means ‘that bag’. What should stand for ‘that is interesting’ in that code language ?

(A) ka de re      

(B) ti po ka       

(C) ka re na       

(D) de si re


  1. (i) ‘kemp lamp tems’ means ‘speak the truth’;

        (ii) ‘bis tim nak’ means ‘always seek knowledge’;

        (iii) ‘tim tems sik’ means ‘knowledge is truth’;

        (iv) ‘lik bis zap’ means ‘never seek violence’.

        Which letter code stands for ‘always’ ?

(A) nak       

(B) tim       

(C) bis       

(D) zap


  1. Introducing Reena, Monika said, “She is the only daughter of my father’s only daughter”. How is Monika related of Reena ?

(A) Aunt       

(B) Niece      

(C) Cousin        

(D) None of the above


  1. Given that

(i)  A is the mother of B

(ii) C is the son of A

(iii) D is the brother of E

(iv) E is the daughter of B

The grandmother of D is

(A) A       

(B) B     

(C) C     

(D) E


  1. A is the brother of B, B is the daughter of C and D is the father of A, then how is C related to D ?

(A) Husband       

(B) Wife      

(C) Granddaughter      

(D) Grandfather

  1. Ravi and Kunal are good in Hockey and Volleyball. Sachin and Ravi are good in Hockey and Baseball, Gaurav and Kunal are good in Cricket and Volleyball. Sachin, Gaurav and Michael are good in Football and Baseball. Who is good in Hockey, Cricket and Volleyball ?

(A) Sachin        

(B) Kunal       

(C) Ravi     

(D) Gaurav


  1. Six students A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in the field. A and B are from Delhi while the rest are from Bangalore. D and F are tall while others are short. A, C and D are girls while others are boys. Who is the tall girl from Bangalore ?

(A) C       

(B) D      

(C) E    

(D) F


  1. A, P, R, X, S and Z are sitting in a row. S and Z are in the centre and A and P are in the ends. R is sitting on the left of A. Then who is sitting on the right of P ?

(A) A      

(B) S       

(C) X      

(D) Z


  1. Alka is older than Mala, Gopal is older than Mala but younger than Alka. Kapil is younger than Ram and Mala. Mala is older than Ram.

Whose age is between Gopal and Ram ?

(A) Mala      

(B) Kapil       

(C) Alka      

(D) None of the above


  1. I am facing south. I turn right and walk 20 m. Then I turn right again and walk 10 m. Then I turn left and walk 10 m and then turning right walk 20 m. Then I turn right again and walk 60 m. In which direction am I from the starting point ?

(A) North      

(B) North-West      

(C) East       

(D) North-East


  1. Kailash walks 3 km to East and turns South and walks 4 km. Again turns West and walks 6 km. How far is he from the starting point ?

(A) 7 km       

(B) 5 km      

(C) 6 km      

(D) 3 km


  1. Arrange the following in a logical order :

1. Shoulder  

2. Wrist  

3. Elbow  

4. Plam  

5. Finger

(A) 2, 4, 5, 3, 1     

(B) 3, 1, 4, 2, 5      

(C) 3, 4, 5, 2, 1      

(D) 5, 4, 2, 3, 1



(A) 42       

(B) 46      

(C) 48       

(D) 50


  1. Count the number of triangles :

(A) 16      

(B) 12      

(C) 8     

(D) 4


  1. In a dice a, b, c and d are written on the adjacent faces, in a clockwise order end e and f at the top and bottom.  When c is at the top, what will be at the bottom ?

(A) a      

(B) b      

(C) c     

(D) Data insufficient


Direction (Question Nos. 156-157) : Study the following information and answer the question.

There are five trees A, B, C, D and E, E is to the north-east of B, A is 15 m to the east of B, which is 40 m to the west of D, C is to the north-west of A and on the line of BE. A is 30 m to the south of E.

  1. What is the distance between tree A and tree D ?

(A) 16 m        

(B) 25 m       

(C) 35 m      

(D) 30 m


  1. In which direction is E with respect to D ?

(A) North      

(B) East       

(C) North-West       

(D) South-West


  1. In a certain code ‘BASKET’ is written as m ‘5 $ 3 % # 1’ and ‘TRIED’ is written as ’14 * # 2′. How is ‘SKIRT’ written in that code ?

(A) 3 % * 41      

(B) 3 * % 41     

(C) 3 % # 41      

(D) 3 # 4 % 1


Direction (Question Nos. 165-169) : Study the following information and answer the questions given below:

There are seven friends T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z who work in seven different shops — Oswal, Max, Vmart, Reliance Fresh, Wallmart, Easyday and Big Bazar, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them likes a different colour — Black, Blue, Red, White, Orange, Green and Yellow — but not necessarily in the same order.

  • V works in Oswal and he likes neither Red not Orange.
  • X does not work in Vmart.
  • Z works in Big Bazar and likes Green colour.
  • W likes White and works in Max.
  • The one who works in Easyday likes blue colour.
  • X and Y do not work in Reliance Fresh and neither of them likes Orange colours.
  • U works in Walmart and likes Yellow colour.


  1. X works in which of the following shops ?

(A) Easyday      

(B) Vmart      

(C) Max     

(D)  Big Bazar


  1. V likes which of the following colours ?

(A) Black     

(B) Red     

(C) Blue      

(D) Can’t be determined

  1. Which of the following combinations is true ?

(A) Z-Big Bazar-Green      

(B) V-Oswal- Black      

(C) Y-Vmart-Red     

(D) All are true


  1. Who among the following likes Orange colour ?

(A) Y      

(B) X      

(C) V       

(D) T


  1. Which of the following statements is true ?

(A) T works in Reliance Fresh and likes Orange colour.

(B) X works in Vmart and likes Blue colour.

(C) V likes White colour & works in Oswal.

(D) None is true


  1. In a certain code BREAKTHROUGH is written as EAOUHRBRGHKT. How is DISTRIBUTION written in that code ?






  1. If ‘ski rps tri’ stands for ‘nice Sunday morning’, ‘tel sti rps’ stands for ‘every Tuesday morning’ and ‘ski ptr qlm’ stands for ‘nice market place’, which word stands for ‘Sunday’ ?

(A) ski      

(B) rps       

(C) tri      

(D) qlm


  1. A woman going with a boy is asked by another woman about the relationship between them. The woman replied, “My maternal uncle and the uncle of his maternal uncle is the same”. How is the lady related with the boy ?

(A) Grandmother and Grand son

(B) Mother and son

(C) Aunt and Nephew

(D) None of the above


Direction (Question Nos. 180-184) : Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below it :

There are five men A, B, C, D and E and six women P, Q, R, S, T and U. A, B and R are advocates; C, D, P, Q and S are doctors and the rest are teachers. Some teams are to be selected from amongst these eleven persons subject to the following conditions :

A, P and U have to be together

B cannot go with D or R

E and Q have to be together

C and T have to be together

D and P cannot go together

C cannot go with Q.


  1. If the team is to consist of two male advocates, two lady doctors and one teacher, the members of the team are

(A) A, B, P, Q, U       

(B) A, B, P, U, S       

(C) A, P, R, S, U      

(D) B, E, Q, R, S


  1. If the team is to consist of one advocate, two doctors, three teachers and C may not go with T, the members of the team are

(A) A, E, P, Q, S, U       

(B) A, E, P, Q, T, U     

(C) B, E, Q, S, T, U     

(D) E, Q, R, S, T, U


  1. If the team is to consist of one male advocate, one male doctor, one lady doctor and two teachers, the members of the team are

(A) A, C, P, T, U      

(B) A, D, E, P, T     

(C) A, D, E, P, U      

(D) B, C, E, Q, U


  1. If the team is to consist of one advocate, three doctors and one male teacher, the members of the team are :

(A) A, D, P, S; U      

(B) C, D, R, S, T       

(C) D, E, Q, R, S      

(D) D, E, Q, R, T


  1. If the team is to consist of two advocates, two doctors, two teachers and not more than three ladies, the members of the team are :

(A) A, B, C, P, T, U     

(B) A, C, P, R,T, U      

(C) A, E, P, Q, R, T     

(D) B, C, E, Q, R, T


  1. Find the number of triangles         

(A) 16     

(B) 22      

(C) 28      

(D) 32


  1. In a certain language, MIRACLE is coded as NKUEHRL, then how is GAMBLE coded in that language ?

(A) JDOCMF      

(B) CLEMNK        

(C) HCPFQK        



  1. In a certain code language, STRING is written as % = * – $ ÷ and PRAISE as ? * @ – % x. How will the word GRAPES be written in that code language ?

(A) ÷ * @ x ? %       

(B) ÷ @ * ? x %       

(C) ÷ * @ ? x %       

(D) None of the above


  1. Pointing out to a lady, Rajan said, “She is the daughter of the woman who is the mother of the husband of my mother”. Who is the lady to Rajan ?

(A) Aunt      

(B) Granddaughter      

(C) Daughter      

(D) Sister-in-Law


Read the information to answer the questions (Question Nos. 195-196) :

Nine cricket fans are watching a match in a stadium. Seated in one row, they are J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R. L is at the right of M and at third place at the right of N. K is at the end of the row. Q is seated adjacent to both O and P, O is at the third place at the left of K. J is right next to left of O.

  1. Who is sitting at the centre of the row ?

(A) L     

(B) J      

(C) O      

(D) Q


  1. Who is at the other end of the row ?

(A) J      

(B) N      

(C) P     

(D) R


  1. A rat runs 20′ towards East and turns to right, runs 10′ and turns to right, runs 9′ and again turns to left, runs 5′ and then turns to left, runs 12′ and finally turns to left and runs 6′. Now which direction is the rat facing ?

(A) East      

(B) West       

(C) North       

(D) South


  1. If + means x, x means -, ÷ means + and – means ÷, then which of the following gives the result of

175 – 25 ÷ 5 + 20 x 3 + 10 ?

(A) 77      

(B) 160      

(C) 240     

(D) 2370



(A) 12     

(B) 21      

(C) 24      

(D) 35


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