Mountain & Forest – Geography – WBCS Main Question Paper

Mountain & Forest - Geography - WBCS Main Question Paper
indian mountains quiz

WBCS Main Question Paper – 2019

27. ‘Sal’ tree is found in _____ forest.
(A) Moist Tropical
(B) Alpine
(C) Dry Tropical
(D) None of the above
28. Tropical Moist deciduous is not found in
(A) West Bengal
(B) Bihar
(C) Gujrat
(D) Orrisa
(A) Leh and Chumbi valley
(B) Leh and Siachen glacier
(C) Uttarakhand and Tibet
(D) Valley of Kashmir and Kargil
41. _____ is the oldest denudated mountain of India.
(A) Eastern Ghats
(B) Nilgiri Hills
(C) Aravalli
(D) Zaskar
42. The coal belt of peninsular India developed during period 
(600-300 M years ago)
(A) Tertiary
(B) Pleistocene
(C) Carboniferous
(D) None of the above
43. _____ is the highest peak of Meghalaya Plateau.
(A) Nokrek
(B) Shilong
(C) Mirik
(D) None of the above
46. _____ is the highest peak of Sahayadris.
(A) Anaimudi
(B) Mahabaleswar
(C) Pushpagjri
(D) Aroya-Konda
47. Dalma Trap is located in ______ state of India.
(A) Bihar
(B) Orrisa
(C) Jharkhand
(D) None of the above
77. Wet temperate forest is found in ____ region of India.
(1000-2000 m above sea level)
(A) Nilgiri
(B) Eastern Ghats
(C) Kashmir Himalayas
(D) Kachch Peninsula
84. The is first national park established in India in the year 1936. 
(Nainital, Uttarakhand)
(A) Bandhavgarh
(B) Gir
(C) Indira Gandhi
(D) Jim Corbett

86. _____ is declared as national park in the year 2014 and became the newest national park of India.
(no new NP was decled in 2014)
(Kuno National Park, MP 2018)
(A) Dachigam
(B) Gorumara
(C) Jaldhapara
(D) Inderkilla     (2010, Himachal Pradesh)
87. The Indian Wild Life Protection Act was passed in the year
(A) 1962
(B) 1972
(C) 1975
(D) 1965
89. Barren Island Wildlife Sanctuary is located In
(A) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
(B) Pondicherry
(C) Andaman and Nicobar Island
(D) Lakshwadeep
90. The Dravidian rock system is found in _____ region.
(A) Krishna Valley
(B) Chotanagpur plateau
(C) Spiti Valley
(D) Damodar Valley
91. ______ valley lies in between Pir Panjal and Zaskar range.
(A) Kangra
(B) Kashmir
(C) Kulu
(D) Dun
92. The famous _____  glacier is located at Nubra Valley.
(A) Baltora
(B) Punmah
(C) Siachen
(D) Kanchenjunga
93. The Zoji La pass is located in ______ state of India. 
(Srinagar to Leh)
(A) Jammu and Kashmir
(B) Himachal Pradesh
(C) Sikkim
(D) Arunachal Pradesh


95. ______ plateau is separated from the main peninsular plateau of India by the wide gap of Garo Rajmahal Gap.
(A) Madhya Bharat Pathar
(B) Meghalaya
(C) Chotonagpur
(D) Malwa
96. ______ pass is in Arunachal Pradesh. 
(A) Bum La
(B) Jelep La
(C) Nathula
(D) Bazil
97. ______ hill range is also known as Sahyadris.
(A) Western Ghats
(B) Eastern Ghats
(C) Vindhayas
(D) Satpura
119. Introduction of Joint Forest Management was an Important objective of ____ 
(Arabari, West Midnapore)
(A) National Forest Policy, 1988
(B) Man and Biosphere Program
(C) Wild Life Protection Act, 1972
(D) None of the above
120. Woods of Sundari tree is used mainly for making _____
(A) Railway sleepers
(B) Boat making
(C) Cricket bat
(D) None of the above
125. Chandra Tal is located in ______ valley.
(Himachal Pradesh)
(A) Kashmir
(B) Lahaul and Spiti
(C) Dun
(D) None of the above


WBCS Main Question Paper – 2018

122. What should be the proportion of forest cover for India to maintain ecological balance?
(A) 11.1%
(B) 22.2%
(C) 33.3%
(D) 44.4%
124. Where is the Bandipur National Park
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Karnataka
(D) Assam
125. Where is the Forest Research institute located? 
(A) Dehradun
(B) Bhopal
(C) Lucknow
(D) Delhi
128. World’s maximum newsprint paper comes from
(A) Deciduous forest
(B) Monsoon forest
(C) Mangrove forest
(D) Rain forest
128. The Gir Forest is noted for its
(A) Lion sanctuary
(B) Deer Park
(C) Tiger sanctuary
(D) Crocodile Park
29. When was the first National Forest Policy issued by the Government of India?
(A) 1952
(B) 1940
(C) 1942
(D) 1999
(A) Mizoram
(B) Manipur’
(C) Tripura
(D) Arunachal Pradesh
131. Which wildlife sanctuary has the project to conserve the rhinos in India?
(A) Bandipur
(B) Pariyar
(C) Kaziranga
(D) Gir
132. The common tree species in Nilgiri hills is
(A) Sal
(B) Pines
(C) Eucalyptus
(D) Teak
133. Where was the first Bio-reserve established in India? 
(MAB Programme, 2000)
(A) Nokrek
(B) Kanha
(C) Nilgiris   (1986)
(D) Perlyar

136. Which is the best known bird sanctuary in Haryana?
(A) Sultanpur
(B) Bharatpur
(C) Rajaji
(D) Sanska
137. Which of the following Cities in India is considered as greenest
(Evergreen city of India)
(A) Bengaluru
(B) Delhi
(C) Chandigarh
(D) Thiruvananthapuram
138. Biosphere Reserve of India, Nanda Devi (UNESCO) is located in the state of 
(A) Uttarakhand
(B) Sikkim
(C) Meghalaya
(D) Himachal Pradesh
139. Bandhavgarh National Park is located in which state?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Gujarat
(D) Jharkhand
152. A tropical deciduous plant special to the Deccan plateau is
(A) Teak
(B) Shisam
(C) Sandalwood
(6) Sal .
182. Where are the Saltoro Ranges located?
(A) Ladakh
(B) Along the Vindhyas
(C) Part of the Karakoram Ranges
(D) Pan of the Western Ghat
184. Which part of the Himalayas has the maximum stretch from east to west?
(A) Kumaun Himalayas
(B) Assam Himalayas
(C) Punjab Himalayas
(D) Nepal Himalayas
186. Naga, Khasi and Garo hills are located in 
(Garo & Khasi Hills are part of Meghalaya Plateau)
(A) Purvanchal Ranges
(B) Karakorarn Ranges
(C) Zaskar Ranges
(D) Himalaya Ranges

187. Nathu La, a place where India-China border trade has been resumed after 44 years is located on the Indian border in
(A) Sikkim
(B) Aruriachal Pradesh
(C) Himachal Pradesh
(D) Jammu & Kashmir
189. Baltoro glacier is located in
(A) Karakoram ranges
(B) Pamir plateau
(C) Shivalik
(D) Alps
193. The Deccan trap was formed by the
(A) Dharwar Vulcanicity
(B) Mesozoic Vulcanicity
(C) Cretaceous Vulcanicity
(D) Palcozoic Vulcanicity
195. Guru Shikhar on the Abu Hills is the highest peak of which mountain ranges?
(A) Sahyadn
(B) Purvanchal
(C) Anaimalai
(D) Aravallis
198. Palghat joins which of the following states? 
(Palakkad to Coimbatore)
(A) Sikkim and West Bengal
(B) Maharashtra and Orissa
(C) Kerala and Tamil Nadu
(D) Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim
199. Central Highlands of Indian peninsular block are formed of
(A) Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks
(B) Igneous and sedimentary rocks
(C) Igneous and metamorphic rocks
(D) Sedimentary rocks
200. Which Himalayan peak is also called ‘Sagar Matha’?
(A) Nanga parbat
(B) Dhaulagiri
(C) Mt. Everest
(D) Kanchanjunga



WBCS Main Question Paper – 2017

111.The headquarters of the Forest Survey of India is located in 
(A) Dehradun
(B) New Delhi
(C) Bhopal
(D) Coimbatore
112. Which one of the following is not a wood from the Himalayan forests ? 
(tropical hardwood)
(A) Deodar
(B) Chir
(C) Teak
(D) Cypress
114. Which one of the following states has the maximum forest cover compared to its total area ?
(A) Jharkhand
(B) Chattisgarh
(C) Sikkim
(D) Arunachal Pradesh  (79.63%)
(A) the Andaman-Nicobar islands
(B) the Assam valley
(C) the Chotanagpur plateau
(D) the Lesser Himalayan region
121. Which one of the following Biosphere Reserves in India is not correctly matched ?
(A) Nanda devi – Uttarakhand
(B) Namdhapa – Assam
(C) Gulf of Mannar – Tamil Nadu
(D) Nokrek – Meghalaya
102. ‘Pat Lands’ are found in
(A) Malwa Plateau
(B) Bundelkhand Uplands
(C) Chotanagpur Plateau
(D) Maharashtra Plateau
117. Most of the highest peaks of the Himalayas are located in
(A) the Trans Himalayas
(B) The Central Himalayas
(C) the Middle Himalayas
(D) the Outer Himalayas

119. The Eastern Ghats and The Western Ghats meet at the
(A) Nilgiris
(B) Vindhyas
(C) Satpuras
(D) Paini hills
(A) Basic Himalayas
(B) Southern Himalayas
(C) Siwalik
(D) Doon
126. The ‘Deccan Trap’ cannot be found in the state of
(A) Gujarat
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Karnataka
(D) Tamil Nadu
129.The earliest rock formation in India can be found in
(A) the Deccan plateau region
(B) the Himalayan region
(C) the Ganga-Brahmaputra plain region
(D) the Deltaic region
131. ‘Jelep La’ is a mountain pass located in
(Sikkim – Tibet)
(A) Bhutan
(B) Nepal
(C) Arunachal Pradesh
(D) Sikkim
(A) Sub-Himalayan region
(B) Lesser Himalayan region
(C) Greater Himalayan region
(D) Trans-Himalayan region
159. ‘Syntaxial bend’ is associated with
(A) the origin of the Himalayas.
(B) deep gorges of the Indus and the Brahmaputra.
(C) formation of the Tapi valley.
(D) Rajmahal Gap.
168. ‘Sagarmatha’ in the Himalayas is also known as
(A) Dhaulagiri
(B) Kanchenjunga
(C) NangaParvat
(D) Mt. Everest


WBCS Main Question Paper – 2016

(A) Annamalai hill
(B) Palini hill
(C) Dodabetta
(D) Anaimudi
126. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?
(A) Dhupgarh : Satpura
(B) Panchmarhi : Mahadev
(C) Dodagiri : Nilgiris
(D) Mahendragiri : Estern Ghats
141.The Garo, Khashi, Jainto hills were formed in the same age as
(A) Himalaya
(B) Malwa Plateau
(C) Siwalik
(D) Himachal Range
152. The Peninsular Plateau of India extends to
(A) Mizo hills
(B) Himachal Himalayas
(C) Meghalaya hills
(D) Assam valley
167. Which one of the following mountain range is latest in its origin ?
(A) Greater Himalayas
(B) Vlndhyas
(C) Siwaliks
(D) Satpura
168. The oldest mountain range of India is
(A) Satpura
(B) Vindhya
(C) Aravali
(D) Himalayas
183. Zojila is a pass between 
(NH -1)
(A) Kashmir valley and Laddakh
(B) Lahaul vally and Spiti
(C) Chumbi vally and Sikkim
(D) Arunachal Pradesh and Tibet
189. Baralachala pass is in    
(Leh–Manali Highway)
(A) Punjab
(C) Uttaranachal
(B) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Himachal Pradesh
(A) Naga         
(B) Aravali
(C) Himalaya  
(D) Nilgiri

199. The highest peak of India in Himalayan range is:
(A) Mt. Everest
(B) Nanda Devi
(C) Kanchanjunga
(D) K2
65. The mangrove forests are found in
(A) Western Ghat
(B) Eastern Ghat
(C) Deltaic region of Krishna and Godavari
(D) North-East Himalaya
(A) the Deccan Plateau
(B) the Shillong Plateau
(C) Southern States
(D) the Siwaliks
153. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ? 
(Chandra Prabha Sanctuary – UP)
(A) Kaziranaga – Assam
(B) Shivpuri – Madhya Pradesh
(C) Chandraprabhya – Bihar
(D) Corbett National Park – Uttaranchal
185. In which state silent valley is located
(Nilgiri hills)
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Assam
(C) Kerala
(D) Rajasthan
195. The largest reserve of Sal forest is found in
(A) Eastern Peninsula
(B) Nilgiri hills
(C) Dehradun valley
(D) Aravali
160. Dandakaranya Project is situated in 
(Odisha & Chhattisgarh)
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Goa



WBCS Main Question Paper – 2015

17. Western Ghats in Maharashtra is known as –
(a) Nilgiris
(b) Cardamom Hills
(c) Annamalai
(d) Sahyadris
18. The upliftment of the Himalayas was first initiated during the period of-
(a) Middle Pliocene
(b) Middle Oligocene
(c) Middle Eocene
(d) Middle Miocene
19. Structurally, the Great Himalaya is –
(a) an autochthonous zone
(b) A par-autochthonous zone
(c) An allochthonous zone
(d) A Suture zone
39. Which one of the following is most prone to earth quake ?
(a) High hill-tops
(b) Young folded mountain
(e) Oil shields
(d) All of the above
40. The highest peak of the Himalayas in India is in: 
(Kangchenjunga – 8,586 m)
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Kashmir
(c) Sikkim
(d) Himachal Pradesh
44. The typical area of ‘Sal’ forests in the Indian Peninsula occurs
(a) On the Western Ghats
(b) Between the Tapti and the Narmada
(c) To the North-East of Godavari
(d) On the Malwa Plateau
12. Among the following States, which one has the largest forest area?
(a) Gujarat
(b) Karnataka
(c) Odisha
(d) Tamil Nadu
15. Which one of the following does not belong to biosphere reserves set-up so far?
(a) Great Nicobar
(b) Sunderbans
(c) Nanda Devi
(d) Gulf of Kachch
16. Reserved Forest is a forest-
(a) Totally under Government control
(b) Meant mainly for tribal people
(c) Earmarked for commercial exploitation with restricted grazing
(d) With wild life protection
47. Which Sanctuary in Kerala is known for elephants ?
(a) Parakal
(b) Periyar
(c) Chandraprabha
(d) Kanha


WBCS Main Question Paper – 2014

51. The Hindustan Tibet Road connecting Shimla with Western Tibet passes through –
(Himachal Pradesh)
(a) Shipki La pass
(b) Zoji La Pass
(c) Thaga La pass
(d) Jelep La pass
(a)The great Himalayan Systems
(b) The Trans Himalayan Systems
(c) The Central Himalayan Systems
(d) The Middle Himalayan Systems
63. ‘Silent Valley’ is located in
(a) Karnataka
(b) Kerala
(c) Himachal Pradesh
(d) Uttarakhand
71. Wildlife Protection Act was passed in
(a) 1970    
(b) 1972
(c) 1980    
(d) 1986
65. Which one is not a component/part of Social Forestry?
(a) Urban forestry
(b) Agro forestry
(c) Commercial farm forestry
(d) None of the above
66. Which one is not an objective of the social forestry?
(a) Securing revenue
(b) Improving aesthetic values
(c) Reduction of environmental pollution
(d) To reduce pressure on the traditional forest areas
67. In which year the first Forest Policy of independent India was declared?
(a) 1950   
(b) 1951
(c) 1952   
(d) 1956
69. The Little Rann of Kutch is the only home of the
(a) Great Indian Bustard
(b) Blackbuck
(c) Flamingo
(d) Indian Wild Ass
64. Kudremukh National Park is located in
(a) Kerala
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Karnataka
(d) Andhra Pradesh
68. In India, which type of forest among the following occupies the largest area?
(a) Tropical Moist Deciduous    (37%)
(b) Montane Wet Temperate
(c) Tropical Dry Deciduous
(d) Tropical Wet Evergreen
70. The Shola grass lands are found in
(a) The Himalaya
(b) The Vindhyan
(c)The western Ghats
(d) The Eastern Ghats
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